Mend and Embellish with Ann Weaver (9/28/24 9:00 AM)

Mend and Embellish with Ann Weaver (9/28/24 9:00 AM)

Regular price $65.00
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Are you curious about methods to fix knit fabric? Are you intrigued by visible mending? Are you interested in adding embroidery and duplicate stitch to knit fabric? In this workshop, you'll learn all these skills. We'll start with an overview of mending techniques, including darning and patching. Then, we'll cover a few simple ways to add both strength and beauty to fabric, including satin stitch and duplicate stitch. You can apply what you learn to many types of fabrics—not just handknits!

Date/Time: Saturday, September 28, 2024 9:00 AM-Noon

Material Fee (optional - see Supplies): $8 (Includes darning egg, tapestry needle, sweater swatch to mend, and small bobbin of fingering-weight yarn.)  If you need the mending kit for this class, the fee should be paid directly to the instructor just prior to the start of class.


  • Darning egg
  • Dull-point tapestry needle
  • Fingering-weight yarn scraps
  • Small knitting needles (dpns, straight, or circular) - US size 1-3
  • Knit fabric with holes in it!  This is optional - we'll be practicing on swatches, but please bring any holey items you have!

Homework: none

Skill Level:  Adventurous Beginner: Students should be familiar with working with small needles and picking up stitches.

Ann Weaver